ACT CEO Marten Roorda stands behind his May 11 blog post (“Collaboration Essential When Claiming Concordance”) questioning the methodology and validity of the College Board’s new concordance tables. Roorda notes that the College Board’s response to his blog post, submitted by its senior vice president for research, Jack Buckley, did not dispute the scientific arguments he cited against use of the new concordance.
ACT believes it is important for students and colleges to be aware of the limitations of the SAT score converter when it comes to comparing new SAT scores to old SAT scores and new SAT scores to ACT scores, as using the concordance could lead to incorrect admission decisions. Until a complete concordance study can be conducted with involvement of and cooperation between both organizations, such concordance tables should be viewed as suspect.
In addition, ACT takes exception to two statements made in the College Board’s response: First, Buckley claimed that the College Board’s approach to developing concordance exceeds industry standards. That is not the case. It certainly did not meet testing industry standards, such as The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Second, Buckley claimed that the College Board reached out to ACT several months ago to express their interest in conducting a new SAT-ACT concordance study. We are not aware of any such outreach.
ACT stands ready to cooperate in such a concordance study, as we have in the past. Until that study has been conducted and the results released, ACT will not recognize or approve of any concordance tables that compare scores on the new SAT to scores on the ACT® test.

ACT Statement on ACT-SAT Concordance
May 13, 2016