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ACT International Test Update: September Score Release Window

Updated 10/22

Over the weekend, students from across the globe sat for an ACT test to earn a score for college admissions, scholarships, and college and career insights. COVID-19 has challenged us all, and we thank our customers and stakeholders for working with us to help students navigate the new school year and testing season.

Our continued priority is to promote the safety and wellbeing of students and test center staff while providing as many testing opportunities as possible.

Here’s what you should know about “what’s next”:


Multiple choice scores from the 11 September and 12 September test administration for international students will begin to be released on Monday, 28 September. Non-US test scores are typically released as soon as 2 business days after the test date, but scoring system enhancements have pushed out the start of our typical score release window. After September, we will be back to our typical score release schedule.

Score Report

Students’ score reports tell a unique story about their knowledge, skills and strengths. Though the composite score (the average of a student’s English, math, reading and science section scores) is often a focus, the ACT score report can and should be used as a learning and navigation tool. It can help address gaps in knowledge and spur students to think about what they may be interested in studying at college or pursuing in their career. Students will see an updated and interactive score report in MyACT that they can use to drill into specific areas of strength, determine areas for improvement, and explore their achievements in more detail than ever before.

Click on View Score Details to see additional information about your scores.

Send this Score – Click here to send this score to the school and/or scholarship agency of your choice.

Am I Ready for College – Compare your scores with standards to meet college readiness benchmarks to predict success in the first year based on ACT scores. If your score is at or above the Benchmark, you have at least a 50% chance or obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in specific first year college courses in the corresponding subject area. 


The world—and life as we know it—has changed considerably since we announced our plans to introduce superscoring to ACT test-takers beginning with the September 2020 test date.

Superscores for September test-takers will be available in MyACT and reportable to colleges in the coming weeks. If a student would like to send a superscore, they will need to log into their MyACT account and indicate which institutions they would like the scores sent to. Students can still send scores from the full ACT test to colleges of their choice at any time.

For questions about international testing and to view upcoming test dates, visit us at