Each year, a friend of mine pauses to read Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr’s famous Letter
from Birmingham jail (April 16, 1963). This annual tradition presents a
moment to give thanks for all the progress made for justice since 1963. It is
also a time to recognize that the work is not complete. Inspired by Dr. King’s
words, my friend takes a moment to recommit to King’s message by fighting for love,
helping their neighbor, and standing for justice. Through the many examples of challenge,
struggle, determination, and sacrifice in the letter and Dr. King’s life, my
friend chooses to build community, embrace action, and prioritize solidarity with
those most in need. During this annual process, they pause, reflect, and reset
in preparation for the unknown wonders, chaos, and opportunity of a new year.
This year, I have decided to follow my friend’s example. Before
I share my thoughts on Dr. King’s life and legacy, I invite you to join me. Let
us block out the noise, remain still, and read his words together.
After revisiting the powerful and chilling words of Dr.
King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, I am excited to honor his life and legacy. As
I participate in the 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day festivities, Dr. King’s
words of hope inspire me, and his example and commitment to choose justice over
injustice and love over hate moves me.
Today, I join millions in the US and around the globe who appreciate,
respect, and recognize all Dr. King sought to achieve. Justice is still worth
fighting for, and whether you are creating jobs for those most in need,
volunteering at a local women’s clinic, or attending your local school board
meeting, know that these actions matter and there is always more we can do. Each
act of service, civic engagement, and neighborly care is one more step toward
the vision and message of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
As Dr. King once said, "Life's most persistent and
urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" So, today, let us listen
to Dr. King’s pleas. Let them move, challenge, and activate in us a commitment to
root out injustice, wherever it may stand. As for me and my house, my dedication
is to love, community, service, and truth every day and in every way.